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New York By Night — A Lost Novel by Nellie Bly — Chapter One
Between 1889 and 1895, pioneering journalist Nellie Bly wrote twelve novels. For the past 125 years, all but one have been lost — until now! The Lost Novels Of Nellie Bly go on sale March 16, 2021!
A $500,000 Robbery.
On the Fifth of August, 1889, two men, members of the great jewelry firm which, for obvious reasons, we shall call Diamond & Co., presented themselves at police headquarters. They nervously asked for a private interview with the superintendent of police and the chief of detectives, which was readily, but not without much quiet speculation, granted them.
They stated, without any preliminaries, that some time between noon, Saturday, the third, and seven o’clock Monday morning, the fifth, their mammoth jewelry house, at the corner of Broadway and — — — Street, had been robbed of diamonds and other valuables to the amount of $500,000!
The two officers, used as they were to all manner of strange and startling occurrences, stared stupidly at their informants, as if their tale was too strange to warrant belief.
Five hundred thousand dollars was as close as they could estimate their loss at such a short time, but it was believed to be considerably more.